Mental Health and Well-Being
Learn how a variety of factors impact mental health and well-being with a certificate from the social work department at UW-Eau Claire.
Prepared to Make a Difference
Throughout the program's tailored curriculum, you'll discover how professionals can best support individuals with mental health needs. This certificate is a great fit for those who are interested in working in healthcare, law enforcement, or education.
Program Details
Blugold Stories
This certificate requires 12 credits of coursework. You'll explore a wide variety of curriculum, from learning how social, cultural, and environmental factors impact mental health to understanding best practices in providing support services.
Here are a few courses in Mental Health and Well-Being at UW-Eau Claire.
SW 294
Introduction to Counseling Skills for Helping Professionals
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of basic counseling skills used within a range of human service professions. Students will become familiar with the steps in the helping process and the importance of culturally informed and trauma informed practices in human service professions.
SW 389
Understanding Trauma
This course is focused on the concept of trauma, the impact of trauma on the well-being of individuals, and how to engage with others in a trauma-informed manner. The course is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of individuals who plan to work in health, human service, or educational settings.
SW 360
Death and Bereavement
Through the study of current theory and research, this interdisciplinary course is designed to facilitate student understanding of death and bereavement from a lifespan, family, and cultural perspective.
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